Friday, September 25, 2015

T3 Maths

Easy Blog Photo
We have been learning to make symmetrical shapes. They are exactly the same on both sides.
WALT make shapes that are symmetrical down the centre.
Signs of success
*the shape is exactly the same on bot sides of the centre line
*there is a mirror image

Friday, September 18, 2015

T3 Integrated Topic

Easy Blog Photo
My payload is a teddy, one of the strings has come off.

WALT make a parachute that delivers its' payload safely to the ground.
Signs of success
*the payload drops slowly
*the payload is not too heavy
*the canopy is large enough to support the weight

T3 Toy Making

Easy Blog Photo
I made a toy car. It has drink lids for wheels.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

T3 Maths- Symmetry Video

WALT make a symmetrical shape
Signs of Success
The shape will be exactly the same along the line of symmetry